Helsinki, 28-Aug-1991 This archive includes the following files, which were used to create the MirrorRoom picture. You can unpack this archive in the way described in the ReadMe.1st file to create a project called MirrorRoom or you can use the objectfiles in it separately in your own projects Name ------- MirrorRoom.imp/objects/Bookshelf.iob MirrorRoom.imp/objects/Chair.iob MirrorRoom.imp/objects/Couch.iob MirrorRoom.imp/objects/Door.iob MirrorRoom.imp/objects/Plantpot.iob MirrorRoom.imp/objects/RedDragon.iff MirrorRoom.imp/objects/Room.iob MirrorRoom.imp/objects/VasePlant.iob MirrorRoom.imp/staging MirrorRoom.imp/trace.pix/specs ReadMe.1st MirrorProject.txt -------- ------ --- You are authorized to give this archive to anyone iterested and all the objects in it are freely distributable (including the IFF-picture). If you do use any of these files in your own work, you should credit me for creating them. Juha Kallioinen email: